So, there's a big ol' list of cards that need to be designed if this game is ever to get off the
ground. I've already written a lot of the source code to run it, but, man, 100+ cards is just
beyond my humble artistic abilities. This is where you come in.
I need you (yeah, you in the back) to read the following guidelines, and then pick a card from
the card list to design. The card will then be used in the game, and
you will be credited with its design.
The guidelines:
- The card designs must be 120x180 pixels, with a reserved 4 pixel border.
This gives you a working area of 112x172 pixels.
The color of the border for each card is indicated in the card list.
- Cards with red borders cost spies to play, and tend to do damage to the enemy.
Green borders indicate a cost in hardware, and these cards tend to build your vessel.
A blue bordered card will cost power to play, and will, most likely, strengthen your cloak.
Remember these guidelines when you are designing the card; if a card costs spies, for example, it
might help to make that correlation obvious to the player via your image.
- You are free to interpret the card name (with the help of the effects),
but please remember the concept of the game.
Try and make the card fit the paradigm.
No trolls or orcs, please.
- There is no item number four.
- Avoid text. I'm not saying not to use it... I'm just saying you probably shouldn't.
- Do not include the title, cost, or effect text on the card itself.
The game interface will display these data above and below the actual card.
- The game will brighten and darken cards to indicate selection and unplayability, respectively.
Keep this in mind; a card which is nearly entirely black will not darken well.
Furthermore, is unplayability even a word?
- Submit your images as PNG or BMP files.
JPG format will blur your border, and GIF is a proprietary format.
- It goes without saying that the images you create should fall within the boundaries of good taste,
and that you shouldn't be violating any copyrights.
I mean, come on people, now.
Try and love one another.

Here's an example. I like to call it rift, because that's its title. Tricky, that.
Note the red border, the lack of text, and the suggestion that it is damaging the enemy's
cloak. Okay, the vague suggestion that it is damaging the enemy's cloak.
Hey, if I were a real artist, I'd just make all the cards myself, okay? :)
On to the card list before I offend any more senses of aesthetics.